hey. yesterday terene and minsheng came to visit my brother and my dad and terence were like giving minsheng guitar lessons. haha. i just realised minsheng's a grade 7 piano student and he didn't want to continue after he failed his grade 8. kinda wasted. then terence showed us the youth day pictures and many pictures of my brother without crutches. today was the day for my BRACES. YES. BRACES. FINALLY! after? erm. like 3 years plus of waiting? that's LONG. then finally its on now. stuck onto my teeth. tightening my teeth so tight that i can only eat PORRIDGE. i guess i'll get sick of it after a few days time. oh well. anyway, today i tried playing introduction of incomplete on the piano and introduction of wake me up when september ends on the guitar. haha. so fun. i also practised my exam pieces la, of course. exam is just next month. so fast. gosh. the braces are really hurting me. squeezing my teeth and gums. ouch. now i can't wait for it to be off and my teeth would be all straight and nice. =) haha. kk time for sleep. nights.
Signs... Tomorrow is back to school. Today the youths led the worship and we did quite well except that we screwed up on Unify on the instrumental part and I screwed up on Consuming Fire. It was very obvious that the wrong note was played because it was just the starting of the song so it was soft. Then we went to burger king to eat and poor Yan Xuan got teased by us. haha... "Penguins fly" and "Seahorses are from the horse family and sealions are from the lion family" Thpse were his answers to our questions. After lunch my brother, Jeanette and I walked under the rain with one small umbrella to the bus-stop. I slept at mama house, was very tired. Reached home I got bored even though I had homework to complete, I decided to do my blogskin again. Finally I can do the navigation type without making thousands of blogs. Dinner, my father bought back then it was time for me to concentrate on my homework, with the help of Deeben and my brother I finally managed to complet...